Friday, February 8, 2008

BILL'S: Presidential Re-bate

Let me start this off by saying that I am honored Curt Smith reposted my blog on his website, and generated some extremely interesting and controversial comments. I have read all the comments and responses. Some of you have made some really great points, and I have really enjoyed this as a learning experience. In my honest opinion, only information and education can open our eyes and hearts. Although politics is something I usually try to avoid just because of the difference in opinions and the heated debates it causes. But I want to go on record as saying that what I post is my opinion. I am only expressing my opinion and I do not think everyone should have the same opinion as me. I also want to thank everyone for their opinions and inputs. Everything I have read has been extremely informative. But now, let me address a couple of issues that were brought up.

The one statement which seemed to have gotten the most remarks was my statement: "in my experience, Republicans enjoy war." Wow! Never would have guessed the volume that one line created. But I wanted the chance to explain. As one person said, it was a Republican who got us out of Vietnam. But it was also that same Republican who attacked Cambodia, got us involved in the Indo-Pakistan War of 1971, and the Yom Kippur War in Syria. Gerald Ford attacked East Timor and got us mixed up in the Mayaguez Incident. Ronald Reagan had attacks in Beiruit, Grenada, and Nicaragua. Bush, Sr. attacked Iraq and had incidents in Panama. Bush, Jr. attacks Afghanistan and Iraq. So, out of the last 5 Republican presidents, military actions were used under each of their commands. Maybe I should have worded my statement in this way: "in my experience, Republican Presidents enjoy war." But those Presidents have a whole set of Republican advisors who also encourage them, so it isn't just the President. I know they believe this is a way to stimulate the economy, but I don't believe it is necessary. It worked in World War II, but hasn't really done much since.

I believe it was Suzanne who said we were attacked. I know many of you have already expressed the error in her statement. And with all the military interventions mentioned above, how many actually attacked the US? Only one. And the one thing that really comes to mind, the one person who is still sitting somewhere laughing at us is the one who attacked us. In my opinion, the attack on Iraq was just the son trying to impress the father and accomplish the one thing his father couldn't do. Hopefully, when Jeb comes to power as President we can go for the person who actually attacked us. And yes, that was a sarcastic remark.

Someone also remarked on how the Clinton Presidency was scarred with scandals. First of all, in the remark about Clinton being impeached. Clinton was aquitted on February 12, 1999 by the US Senate. You can have your own opinions, but truth is the truth. Secondly, has everyone forgotten Nixon's Watergate and Spiro Agnew scandals, Gerald Ford had the Nixon pardon scandal, Reagan had the Iran Contra Scandal, and Bush, Jr. has his actions after Hurricane Katrina and Guantanamo Bay. Okay, maybe Clinton got caught literally with his pants down and was embarrassed, but I think this is a little better than trying to upset the balance of governments and power in the world. But again, it is my opinion. But the truth is, every President has had scandals.

As for the comments Curt made, hands off, I agree wholeheartedly with his comments about health care. I too have seen people being turned away from hospitals. Working at Wal-Mart, many people cannot afford health care. We had a lady who worked at our store break her ankle trying to leave her house to come to work, was taken to the local hospital and turned away because of no insurance. The ambulance LITERALLY brought her to the store and put her into one of the store wheelchairs with the broken ankle to see if her job could do anything for her. This lady was NOT a minority. As one commented, how many people go to Canada for health care? I have known many, and I live in Texas. I have seen people who come to Texas from Canada for winter vacation, but have to rush back before their coverage ends. I have seen empty emergency rooms in Canada, but have to wait 4-6 hours to get blood pressure checked here in the states. Curt is correct in his thinking that health care should be a priviledge of living not a burden of income. I would gladly pay more in taxes for the comfort of knowing my family has insurance coverage. I also agree that none of the candidates have addresses the health care issue to the degree that it needs.

I did not know about the Jesse James remark from Bill Clinton. I regret hearing name calling in any means. My equality statement came from Obama's own plan. He talks about ending employment discrimination, hate crimes, deceptive voting practices for minorities, racial profile and his feelings on the need to strengthen civil rights enforcement.

On the remarks about celebrity endorsements. Yes, I agree with one person one vote. I believe that each person should research the candidates and make the best choice for themselves and who they think would be good for the nation. What's good for me is not what good for you, that's where our freedoms come in. Personally, I am not going to judge a person on who they vote for, I might not agree, but I am not going to judge. My problem is that I believe that glamorous celebrity endorsements blind some people into voting blindly for the people their favorite celebrity backs. They don't research, they don't listen, they don't educate, they just follow. Maybe it has never been proven that a celebrity backing has helped, but has a study been done? This is the truth I know. When Oprah started her book club, her army of followers turned unknown authors into overnight sensations. I have an extreme hunch that a good deal of Oprah's army will vote with her without question, just because it is her. I don't have a problem with celebrity endorsements, I wish more celebrities were more like Mr. Smith and bring food to the table to think about. I like hearing about where the candidates stand on issues and how likely those issues would work in real life. But when the celebrities rally their fans to just vote for their candidate, and people follow without question or education, that's where I have a problem. I hope this clarifies my earlier statement.

Finally, I do agree with Mr. Smith's statement on the same families have been in power for over 20 years, and I could see it going on potentially for 30 years, especially if my gut is right and Jeb Bush begins a run. I do have a problem with it, but that's when my personal concerns for the nation and my family comes in. I don't know if Obama has the experience and ideas to get this nation out of it's current downward spiral. My life right now is in hell. I have been trying to move up for the past three years and for every step forward, I get kicked three steps back and it is directly related to the economy. I need the knowledge that this is going to end. The Clinton's successfully rebuilt the economy after the Stock Market Crash of 1987 and the following recession. I believe with the experience they bring, we have a chance as a nation, which helps me give the chance to my family. Again, my humble opinion.

And once again, I thank you for listening. I am stepping off my opinionated soap box, and am anxious to hear what is to come.

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