Monday, February 18, 2008

My problem with the Obama Campaign

My problem with the Obama Campaign
This quote pretty much sums up how I feel about what Obama has done to so many of my friends.

"Everywhere I went on Super Tuesday, I ran into Obama supporters, who were literally running around in circles and screaming "Yes, we can!" with glazed looks in their eyes. At best, it was embarrassing, but it also felt–deranged. I would love to be inspired by a candidate, and feel wildly excited and so forth–but, not to the point of losing reason. Surely, there is something to be said for dignity? Call me crazy, but I want an adult to run the country. A sensible one." (from
TheStranger Blog)

And this blog is everything that scares me about the Obama Campaign.

This blog really shows how crazy and out of control this Obamania has gotten.

I am not looking for a savior
I just want a leader to turn around this country, end this war, and fix our economy.
Hopefully people will wake up and start to see the truth behind all the hype.

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