Wednesday, November 14, 2007

LISSA’S: Get to know your Wal Mart managers: Confessions of a Wal Mart Hit Man

I am a former Wal Mart associate and I can tell you from experience that this is typical communist practice that goes on at Wal Mart. This video is just a piece of the very informative movie "Wal Mart: The High Cost of Low Price". The more I can spread the word about these evil practices and open people's eyes, the better off the world will be.

What this person is saying is true. Not just for certain Wal-Marts, but for even the ones in your own backyard. In the section titled "Ghosts", I have personally heard the Ex-manager, Jack Steed, and one of his assistants, Mark, have the same talk at the Wal-Mart 185 in Gainesville, TX. They would brag about how long it would take to shut down businesses, and they actually put the "3 month", "6 month", and "one year" tag on many of the local stores. They were proud that the new SuperCenter store would be closing down other businesses.

At the Wal-Mart 947 in Sherman, TX, I have seen the Assistants (or Lieutenants as this gentleman says) sitting in the break room, listening to other peoples conversations. I have seen the people who have no money and cannot afford lunch, and just sit there for an hour. I know for a fact that there are many people who work in the Sherman store who are on welfare because they do not make enough and Wal-Mart forces these families to live off the Government as part of their pay. I have seen the posters informing the associates of the Government programs they can get so they can live to come to work tomorrow. I, myself, was told of the food stamp program, and the medicaid program. I was also told that if I could get pregnant, I could also qualify for WIC.

I have seen people working off the clock here at the Sherman store. Not only just working, but in the past few months under Manager Bryan Lambert and Co-Manager Donnie Baker, I have seen hourly associates called in to work off of their vacation, and been expected to work without pay.

One of the "benefits" given to you at this store is the ability to take two 15 minute breaks during an 8 hour work period. But I have also been told by the management at this store that since you are paid for these breaks, it doesn't matter if you get them or not. There were many times I was expected to give up my breaks.

So the next time you shop at your local Wal Mart and you see associates that are not smiling or act like they just don't want to be there, remember this blog and video. Remember the managers and company that are "behind" them.

For more information, go to Please spread the word. Thanks!

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