Monday, November 19, 2007

BILL’S: Wiped off the map

While watching our local CBS affiliate, KXII Channel 12, they took the time to report on this story about how Dallas has changed 40 signs on Highway 75 North from showing that the route went to Sherman to now showing it goes to McKinney. They really made a huge deal about how this would effect tourism and travel from the Dallas area.

First of all, I found it very odd to hear this story. While KXII is located in Sherman, TX, they very rarely report about events in Texas. The majority of the newscasts deal with Oklahoma. So, to hear them complain about an event in Texas was almost mind-blowing. Add on top of that, the report was about their own home city!?!?! This is the station known for the Sherman weather report being shown on a live camera in Denison, TX (15 miles away to the north) brought to you by a car dealership in Gainesville (30 miles away to the west), and that is about as local as it gets. So, why the interest in the local area now?

Secondly, how much does this really effect the area? The only thing in Sherman people drive hundreds of miles to go to is the local Wal-Mart. There really isn't anything else in the area. Which is obvious because of the lack of news that happens here. Unless you want to come see retail and restaurants, there really is no reason to come here, and you pass by several of the same places between Dallas and Sherman anyway. Most of which are in McKinney. The only reason people come to Sherman is to drive through on their way to Lake Texoma or Oklahoma. Again, what difference would the signs actually make?

I just think something is wrong when the only time the news reports about it's own hometown is when the hometown has been, and I quote, "wiped off the map."

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