Friday, May 9, 2008

LISSA’S: Wal-Mart - Always The Low Paycheck

Wal-Mart's same store sales were up 2.6 percent in April, but it's top executives are warning of a slower May.

The problem: Too many people are living paycheck to paycheck amid an economic slump.

"The economy continues to get tougher and the 'paycheck cycle' is more pronounced for customers than in past months," U.S. stores chief Eduardo Castro-Wright said Thursday. "As money gets tighter for them toward the end of the month, sales drop more than we have seen in the past."

The average Wal-Mart employee, meanwhile, makes less than $20,000 a year, according to the Wal-Mart gadfly group, Wal-Mart Watch.

"Wal-Mart's labor practices have contributed to the nation's weakened economy," said Wal-Mart Watch Executive Director David Nassar. "The company refuses to pay its 1.4 million U.S. workers a living wage - often forcing them to live in poverty and on public assistance."

Yes, but at least they have jobs, and they can still afford to shop at Wal-Mart.

source: The Denver Post

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