Wednesday, April 30, 2008

LISSA’S: Wal-Mart's making profits off of dead employees.

When a Wal-Mart employee, Karen Armatrout, died in 1997, Wal-Mart collected thousands of dollars on a life insurance policy the retail giant had taken out without telling her, according to a lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court. Armatrout was one of about 350,000 employees Wal-Mart secretly insured nationwide, said Texas attorney Michael D. Myers, who estimated the company collected on 75 to 100 policies involving Florida employees who died.

source: Tampa Tribune

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

BILL'S: Gulf of Sherman Conspiracy Theory

Back in December, I posted what has become my most famous blog. The revelation of the existance of the Gulf of Sherman. And it is the Gulf of Sherman, not the Gulf of Texoma like some people have been thought. The Gulf of Texoma is north of us. That is something I have found. The place where everyone goes to think they are big shots.

No the Gulf of Sherman is the elusive port to the south of our area. The area which is notorious for refueling hurricanes and departure areas for 4-story tall cruise ships. The one thing Wal-mart managers are afraid of. That is the Gulf of Sherman.

I have kept my search going for this elusive body of water. And I think I have discovered one of the largest cover-ups since the Roswell crash.

Yesterday, Melissa and I were headed out of Whitesboro towards Gainesville. That is where I found my largest clue....

As we rounded the corner of Highway 56, at the intersection of Highway 82, there it was!!!

By the time I got my camera and got back, the traffic had pushed most of this out of the way, but it was clear! I quickly recognized the substance covering the road.

There was no doubt! I had come across the largest clue in what had to be the biggest burial of truth since the Kennedy assassination. Yes, just like the magic bullet, what seems to be impossible had to be true! The evidence was right there in the middle of the road!

The truth is simple. They know I know! They know I have been looking, asking questions! They knew I was getting close! So, in order to not have to admit defeat, Texoma joined forces with Wal-Mart! While I was working this last weekend, I noticed many Wal-Mart associates and managers running around in plain clothes, undercover.... They thought I would fall for the whole "Oh, we are doing an Earth Day Project." Like I would fall for the whole, "Yes, these four dying trees we are going to plant will save the world!" speel they delivered. Come on! The polar ice caps are melting! For the first time in history, there is a cruise line that is going from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean without going through the Panama Canal. They are going through the what used to be the ice cap at the North Pole. There is no way in hell four trees will save the world!!!! I am not falling for it. No, the truth is out and I know it! All these Wal-mart people were not saving the environment! They were moving the Gulf of Sherman!

That is the truth. It is more believable than thinking Wal-mart is really trying to do something good, or that four trees that couldn't even sell on clearance prices will really do anything to save the environment. No, what is can be believed more is that Wal-mart and the officials in Texoma picked up and moved the Gulf of Sherman to hide it again, and during it's moving, some of it fell off the truck, just outside of Whitesboro.

Smooth thinking, but I haven't given up. If nothing else, this has reignited the fires within me, and the search is back on. Yes, oh yes, I will find this exclusive place, or I will move away without even trying!

LISSA’S: Wal Mart green? Uh, don’t think so...

The reports of Wal-Mart's green business model are greatly exaggerated.

Three weeks ago, Wal-Mart unveiled a new Earth Month 'merchandising and marketing campaign' in an official press release. While Wal-Mart claims the marketing blitz 'takes 'going green' mainstream,' the campaign's keystone is a massive buy of print advertisements, weighing in at nearly one third of a billion pages.

I don't believe a mountain of wasted wood pulp celebrates the spirit of Earth Day. Wal-Mart's recent ad buy flies in the face of its promise to produce 'zero waste.' It seems clear that Wal-Mart's 'Earth Month' promotion is just one symptom of a broader problem? Wal-Mart is greenwashing, and it is getting away with it.

In spite of all the 'green' hype at Wal-Mart, the company's business model presents serious environmental shortfalls. The long-anticipated Wal-Mart sustainability report cited a significant global increase in CO2 emissions in 2006, after the company's green campaign began. Even worse, at a recent conference, Wal-Mart's CEO Lee Scott flatly declared 'we are not green' to an audience of economists. Despite these facts, Wal-Mart continues to generate positive headlines with it's enviro-marketing.

I agree with Mr. Scott. Wal-Mart is not a green company. I, for one, would welcome a serious investigation of Wal-Mart's performance as a steward of the environment.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

LISSA'S: Feelin’ Down?

Things Got Ya Down?

Well Then, Consider These . . .
In a hospital's Intensive Care Unit, patients always died
in the same bed, on Sunday morning, at about 11:00 am,
regardless of their medical condition.

This puzzled the doctors and some even thought it had
something to do with the supernatural. No one could solve
the mystery as to why the deaths occurred around 11:00 am
Sunday, so a worldwide team of experts was assembled to
investigate the cause of the incidents.

The next Sunday morning, a few minutes before 11:00 am,
all of the doctors and nurses nervously waited outside
the ward to see for themselves what the terrible phenomenon
was all about. Some were holding wooden crosses, prayer
books, and other holy objects to ward off the evil spirits.

Just when the clock struck 11:00, Pookie Johnson, the part-
time Sunday sweeper, entered the ward and unplugged the life
support system so he could use the vacuum cleaner.

Still Having a Bad Day????
The average cost of rehabilitating a seal after the
Exxon Valdez Oil spill in Alaska was $80,000.00.
At a special ceremony, two of the most expensively
saved animals were being released back into the wild
amid cheers and applause from onlookers.

A minute later, in full view, a killer whale ate them both.

Still think you are having a Bad Day????
A woman came home to fin d her husband in the kitchen
shaking frantically, almost in a dancing frenzy,
with some kind of wire running from his waist towards
the electric kettle. Intending to jolt him away from
the deadly c urrent, she whacked him with a handy
plank of wood, breaking his arm in two places.

Up to that moment, he had been happily listening
to his Walkman.

Are Ya OK Now? - No?
Two animal rights defenders were protesting
the cruelty of sending pigs to a slaughterhouse
in Bonn, Germany. Suddenly, all two thousand pigs
broke loose and escaped through a broken fence,
stampeding madly.

The two helpless protesters were trampled to death.

What?? STILL having a Bad Day????
Iraqi terrorist Khay Rahnajet didn't pay enough postage
on a letter bomb. It came back with 'Return to Sender'
stamped on it.

Forgetting it was the bomb, he opened it and was
blown to bits.

There now, Feeling Better!

LISSA’S: It started like this....

I get an email from Moondog. Just a standard joke jpg.


So I read it and realized that a Wal-Mart associate could have easily invented something like this! So I reply back to Moondog and tell him this.

The next day, this is what I get in my email from Moondog:

walley employee inventions:

Prick-be-Gone- one spray and obnoxious Pricks would scurry for more
fruitful bitching areas..

AssitaManaga, shock call- one touch of the AM shock call and the
Assistant Mangagement receives a 3000 volt head twister every time an
irrate customer attacks an associate.

Customer-Service-kit- given to customers by door greeters, inside
map of merchandise, common courtesy terms, and training manual,
regulations regarding rudeness and the consequences,, complimentary
samples of vodka, scotch ,, and rum mixed drink offers....


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

BILL'S: Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes

A guy walks into a biker meeting and calls everyone "wusses" and then goes on to ask them for money.

As much as this sounds like a line from a joke, it isn't. This is the attitude of Texoma. A worker from Wal-Mart went into the local Harley-Davidson shop where they were having their monthly Harley Owners Group (HOG) meeting. Being that the meeting was being held right after work, and most people in the group lived several miles away, they went straight there from their workplaces. When the worker saw most of the people drove their cars to their meeting instead of going home, changing clothes, and coming back to Sherman on their motorcycles in a time of over $3.00 gas, he called everyone in the meeting "wusses" for not driving their motorcycles. The reason he was there? He was arranging a charity event for Children's Miracle Network. The charity event, called a "poker run", is something real popular with motorcyclist and boaters. So, it was only natural to include the local motorcycle groups. It is just the beginning which was more to be desired. Now with the Wal-Mart "Poker Run" coming quickly, the HOG group has posted another event on the same day. Not trying to downgrade the charity, but to show people that there is better ways to ask for donations.

This attitude is only a scratch on the surface in the area. One of the hardest things to find in this area is a smile. I remember one of the local McDonald's had an item on the menu: "Smiles Are Free." Never once did I receive one of those free smiles. And when someone asked for one, all you would get is a sarcastic grin. Just yesterday, Lissa and I went to Cold Stone Creamery. As we exited the door, a lady came over and stood their waiting for us to get in the car. She stood their with a huge scowl on her face, never once lightening up.

As a Wal-Mart employee, I get yelled at and demanded all the time. One of the most impressive moments I have had was when this young boy came up to me and said, "Pardon me, sir, could I get a game?" I was bowled over. I couldn't believe I was hearing this from a young person from this area. As I went up to the kid's parents, I engaged in my usually chat trying to answer questions and make sure everyone was getting everything they asked for. I couldn't get over the family's accent, and asked where they were from. Visitors from Canada. Yes, I should have known. Asking for politeness in this area is asking too much.

It brings to mind one of the best examples a person can make. One night there was a line at the Kodak Picture Makers. These machines are clearly labeled for their times of operation. The workers in the One Hour Photo were on a timeline to get the lab closed down, the outside machines down, everything cleaned, and off the clock before their scheduled time to leave. To help, I got at the end of the line, and as people finished, I would turn off the Kodak machine. I was down to the last machine, it was 20 minutes past the time for the machines to be shut off, and the couple working on it had just finished. Right then, a group of ladies came around the corner and started yelling, "Don't turn it off!" They came up and demanded that I get out of the way so they could make a couple of pictures. I told them that it was too late, and we had to shut down the machines. I made reference to the posted times. They began cussing me out. Yelling at me. "How long will it take just to make a couple of pictures?" They asked. I am sorry, I have a job to do. Wal-Mart employees can be terminated for going over their designated times. To me it comes down to what is more important, these strangers who are yelling cuss words at me to make a couple of pictures or being able to feed my family. I am sorry, my job is more important, and I stand my ground. So, they yell one more time at me, "I need this for my f*cking Sunday School class in the morning, how in the hell are you helping my f*cking church?" That made up my mind, and I flipped the switch. This person cussing me out is a Sunday School teacher. Now I am glad my family doesn't go to any of the local churches.

In our travels to Houston, it is like traveling to another country. I have often made a unique connection. While traveling down I-45, halfway between Sherman and Houston you cross a place called Bliss Creek. To the south of this creek, slowly, the grass gets greener, the trees get taller, and after a time, more tropical. It is like climbing the Stairway to Heaven. To the north of Bliss Creek, grass starts dying, turning brown, trees have almost disappeared. Landscape goes to industrial, with huge plots of land with only storage units. The attitude changes. From Bliss Creek north, rudeness takes over as you travel further and further. Truly the Highway to Hell.... Texoma Hell.

In my experience, in Houston, everyone is so polite, I almost don't know how to handle it. Just checking into a motel, I get maps, coupons, advice. Going to a local vender, I tell them we are getting ready to move into the area and I get all kinds of welcomes and advice of where to look for homes. Everyone welcomes you so open armed. Even in moments of stupidity: As I was driving from Clear Lake to Galveston, a couple in a car nearby started switching lanes without looking. They came very close to hitting us. I had to swerve quickly to avoid them. I honked my horn as I swerved. Everyone in the car looked at us and apologized profusely. At that point in time, I let it go, they were genuinely sorry.

Same events for Texoma. A lady driving a small white car almost runs me off the road. As I brake hard to avoid her, I honk my horn. I get a long line of obscene gestures from the lady driver. And it doesn't just stop here. For the next three miles, she attacks us with violent car movements and gestures. When she comes to her turnoff, she speeds up, rolls down her windown, and then slows down to let me catch up as she yells something out the window as I pass by.

Where do you want to live? A place where everyone is rude and hateful, or a place that is very welcoming? A place with community pride, or a place that could care less? Community Pride is something missing around here. And as an update to my blog about the guy who illegally dumped, to date, no one has investigated, no one has cared. I have even expanded my complaints to KTEN news, Info Magazine and Texoma Living Magazine. No one has cared. Great examples of community pride for this area. Someone does something wrong and let's look the other way.

But I know what you are going to say. There is too much crime in Houston! Although there was a carjacking in the Sherman Wal-Mart parking lot yesterday. They have hurricanes in Houston! A big, slow moving storm that gives you days of notice before striking. Nothing like the freak storm which hit this area last week, dropping tornadoes, flash floods, and winds which damaged millions of dollars of property. My only notice was waking up to the house shaking, and the warning of a tornado three miles away from my house.

Maybe it is just one man's thought of the area? Well, I looked around. I am including some more examples that aren't from me or my family. You don't have to believe me. But I guess asking people to open their eyes and decide for yourself is asking too much as well.

Yolanda Adams, Entertainer, Grammy winner

Growing up in Houston was exciting and fun for me and my family. We had so many places to go and so much to do.

When I get home off the road, I usually run to Whole Foods to stock up on groceries and then I head home to relax and unwind. Of course, spa treatments are always in order. The Root of You and Persona Day Spa are my favorites because they offer a variety of services.

There are many words that describe Houston, but all encompassing would be the most adequate. There are great museums—our cultural arts centers are bar none. Our sports arenas are awesome, and we love great restaurants. Whether single or family oriented, we have appropriate activities for all.

I have so many fond memories of Houston events. One of my favorites has to be the lighting of the Christmas tree at City Hall. The event is always festive and alive!

Favorite places to eat?

Houston has the best people, restaurants and entertainment around. Trust me, I've been everywhere and still would live in no other city but Houston. I Love You, Houston!

Leven Rambin, Actress, All My Children

I have absolutely great memories of growing up in Houston. I lived in Memorial and felt such a sense of community through my friends and neighborhood, St. Francis Episcopal Day School and all my teachers (like 2nd parents!) and pastor, Jim Jackson at Chapelwood Methodist Church.

When I come home to Houston, I always visit The Galleria, Houston Country Club, Ruggles and La Madeleine for that tomato soup and caeser salad! I go around Memorial Park at least once every day when I am home.

When describing Houston to friends in New York, I tell them about the ample amount of space. I like those big back yards especially now since I don't have one. I tell them about Goode Company and Otto's BBQ, big cars, bayous and some hot weather.

My favorite time to come back is Christmas time.

I love the Verizon Wireless Theater. If there is someone there that I want to see perform, I like that venue, just the right size. Also, I know that Houston had its first Fashion Week. I definitely want to come back for that next year!

My favorite Houston memories....Being a kid, involved in sports, having good friends my age, my school and having a teacher pull my first tooth (not a great time when it happend but a great memory now). Oh, and the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo...those rides!

I love to shop at Out of the Box on Woodway. In fact I was in there when I got the call that I was chosen for the part on All My Children - I went crying right to Billie Sue. After shopping I go right next door to Smoothie Island. I like Escalante's Mexican food. Encore on San Felipe has tons of very gently worn designer clothes at great prices, so I go there, too.

The people in Houston are friendly, warm and charitable. I get homesick sometimes and realize what a special place it was to grow up there. Houston is a family friendly place.

Houston and New York are similiar in that both are big cities, have lots to offer anyone and I find both to be friendly and welcoming. Houston and NYC both have incredible restaurants! Did I mention that Houston has lots of room and big back yards? I got nada in NYC! Taxis, subways and walking are the main forms transportation in NYC. Both are wonderful experiences.

Beyonce Knowles, Entertainer

Growing up in Houston was fun. We always had a huge backyard to play in. My mom allowed my friends to come over all the time; it was like a continuous slumber party at our house. I spent my summers going to AstroWorld, SplashTown, Ms. Darlett's dance class & showcases. I had a great childhood in Houston!

When I come home to Houston, I go straight to my mom’s house to eat some home cooked food. I love to go to my church St. John's on West Gray and go up to my management company Music World Entertainment.

When I describe Houston to friends who have never been here, I first have to tell them, no, it's not like the country films you see on TV! I like to describe Houston as a great place to raise a family.

You get nice southern people with a city atmosphere. You can buy a great home in a price range to fit your income. The great thing is, whether you or your children are into arts, sports, music, business, etc., there is a place for you to grow into and learn all of those things right here in Houston.

I always come back during Thanksgiving, Christmas and the Houston Rodeo. Also, now that I have a nephew, I come back home for all of his birthdays.

I would have to say some of my favorite memories of Houston are performing at my mother’s hair salon and the music showcases we entered trying to get discovered. I can recall how hard my mother and father worked scheduling rehearsals, designing costumes and booking shows. Houston is where my stage presence and confidence was developed.

My favorite places to eat are Frenchy's Chicken, This Is It and Pappadeaux. I shop at The Galleria.

I love Houston. Some of the best moments of my life took place there. This will always be home to me!

Haylie Duff, Entertainer

Houston is a place where the people are real. Growing up, there was a real sense of family, and the neighborhood had a cool feeling of cohesiveness. When I come home, I always visit The Galleria. I love to shop at Tootsies. I love the spring, with the bluebonnets along the highways, and the weather is awesome. I never want to miss the Houston Rodeo.I love the food and the people. I think that Houston is a special American city, and everyone should come for a visit.

Hilary Duff, Entertainer

Growing up in Houston was amazing! I love the bluebonnets along the highway. I remember the rainstorms and thunderstorms. I loved spending my summers in the swimming pools. To this day, I think that Houston has the best food anywhere in the world!

I tell people who have never been to Houston that it is a great city to visit for a day to shop and eat and meet nice people. Houston is a special city which attracts tourists from all over the world.

I always like to go to Neiman's for lunch and shopping. I love the monkey bread and the strawberry butter. The salads are wonderful, too. I also go to my Aunt Roz's house to see my niece, Haylie.

My favorite time is in the fall because the leaves fall off of the trees, and the weather is cool and breezy. I love to go to the Houston Rodeo. It is a time to celebrate being a true American and enjoying life with family and friends. The Houston Rodeo has been a longtime tradition for my family over many decades.

One of my favorite Houston memories would be when I visited the Butterfly Museum [at the Houston Museum of Natural Science]. I remember the butterflies would come right up and land on your shoulders. I also liked to go to the Children’s Museum. They had cool interactive areas, and we had Haylie’s 6th birthday party there. We had everyone dress up like the '50s - we had a wonderful time.

I LOVE to eat at James Coney Island and eat chili dogs and frito pies. I love Shipley's donuts—they have Kolaches, and they are to die for! I love Mexican food at Escalante's. I like to shop at the Galleria, particularly Neiman's and the David Yurman store.

I will always love Houston. It is a great place to live and raise a family.

George Foreman, Boxer, Olympic Gold Medalist, Entertainer

Houston's home. Just like a homing pigeon, no matter how far I go, nature always pulls me back.

The city's best kept secret is that it's the home of great food. My favorite places to eat are Pappadeaux, Ruth's Chris and, of course, Vic & Anthony's.

Houston is a BIG city, and because it's so big, the opportunities are unlimited. There's something for everyone. It doesn't matter who you are or where you're from.

If I had one wish for Houston, I hope it never changes.

Click here to watch One Day in Houston, a 12-minute documentary on Houston, narrated by George Foreman.

A.J. Foyt, Auto Racing Legend

Houston is where I was born and raised. It’s where my kids were born and raised—it’s home. I have traveled all over the country—to Europe, Australia and Asia—but I love coming home to Houston. It’s where I belong—it’s where my heart is.

It’s a clean city; there’s a lot to do whether it’s going to an Astros or Texans game or the Houston Rodeo, which is one of the biggest in the country.

Houston has concerts and shows and a lot of great restaurants. My favorite restaurants are Taste of Texas for steaks, Carrabba’s for Italian food and Molina’s for Mexican food.

I don’t shop that much but my wife does. You can find whatever you want at The Galleria and Town & Country Village.

My most memorable experience in Houston would have to be driving a copy of the GT car that I won the 24 Hours of Le Mans with. In the early 70’s, I drove it over 200 mph on the 610 freeway. There weren’t nearly as many cars on the road back then.

LISSA’S: Trashy World

WASHINGTON - The world's beaches and shores are anything but pristine. Volunteers scoured 33,000 miles of shoreline worldwide and found 6 million pounds of debris from cigarette butts and food wrappers to abandoned fishing lines and plastic bags that threaten seabirds and marine mammals. A report by the Ocean Conservancy, to be released Wednesday, catalogues nearly 7.2 million items that were collected by volunteers on a single day last September as they combed beaches and rocky shorelines in 76 countries from Bahrain to Bangladesh and in 45 states from southern California to the rocky coast of Maine.


"This is a snapshot of one day, one moment in time, but it serves as a powerful reminder of our carelessness and how our disparate and random actions actually have a collective and global impact," Vikki Spruill, president of the Ocean Conservancy said in an interview.

The 378,000 volunteers on average collected 182 pounds of trash for every mile of shoreline, both ocean coastlines and beaches on inland lakes and streams, providing a "global snapshot of the ocean trash problem."

The most extensive cleanup was in the United States where 190,000 volunteers covered 10,110 miles — about a third of the worldwide total — and picked up 3.9 million pounds of debris on a single Saturday last September, according to the report.

That's 390 pounds of trash per mile, among the highest rates of any country, although the high number also reflects the large number of U.S. volunteers who took part, said Spruill. By comparison, volunteers in neighboring Canada collected 74 pounds per mile and those in Mexico, 157 pounds per mile, said the report. About 65 pounds of trash were collected per mile in China and 46 pounds per mile in New Zealand. Volunteers covered one mile in Bahrain and found 300 pounds of trash.

But Spruill said the volume of trash collected tells only part of the story. It's the items that are found that tells us about the behavior of people enjoying the beaches and coastlines of the world.

"It represents a general carelessness we have. ... We're the bad guys. Trash doesn't fall from the sky. It actually falls from our hands," said Spruill.

The debris ranges from the relatively harmless, although annoying and an eyesore, to items that annually result in the death of hundreds of thousands of seabirds and marine mammals caught in abandoned fishing lines and netting.

A third of the items found came from smokers.

The volunteers collected and cataloged nearly 2.3 million cigarette butts, filters and cigar tips. And they found 587,827 bags; more than 1.7 million food wrappers, containers, lids, cups, plates and eating utensils; and nearly 1.2 million bottles and beverage cans.

Divers also scoured waters offshore, collecting about 160,000 pounds of debris from cigarette waste and food containers to more threatening items: abandoned fishing lines, plastic bags, rope, fishing nets and abandoned crab and lobster traps.

The International Coastal Cleanup also focused attention on the damage these items can do, said program sponsors.

The volunteers came across 81 birds, 63 fish, 49 invertebrates, 30 mammals and 11 reptiles and one amphibian that all had become entangled in various debris, most often discarded fishing line, rope or plastic bags, according to the report.

Among other items that entangle animals and birds were balloon ribbons and strings, building material, vehicle tires, wire, and beverage six-pack holders.

In all, 57 percent of the trash was related to shoreline recreational activities, 33 percent from smoking-related activities, 6.3 percent from fishing or waterway activities, 2 percent from dumping and less than 1 percent from medical and personal hygiene activities, said the report.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Monday, April 14, 2008

LISSA’S: Life’s too short... by Moondog

Got these words of wisdom from "Moondog" today... thought I'd share... ~M'Lissa

ahh, less than 900 will get you here and give you a week in luxury, and get you back,, wow, 1 month work for a week of relaxing, I can relax with a keg a tent at texoma, and a fishing pole for half that and spend 2 weeks... wow, hard choice.. well I can relax under a bridge by whitesboro, with 4 fifths and a bag of jerky for two weeks for a hundred dollars, wait,,,

I could hitch hike to galveston with a pole and bic lighter live off fishing and sleep between sand dunes for 2 years and relax for 200 dollars,, woow,,

wait,,, wait wait,,

well I am sorry it is too late.. I have passed away,, just died of waiting for life,,, waiting for the plan,, waiting for the waiting to end,,, hand me another one.. let us wait and relax some more..


On the island of Ambergris Caye, the beachfront Exotic Caye Beach Resort is located approximately half a mile south of the San Pedro airstrip. This property is 31 miles from Belize City in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye. Guests fly internationally into Belize City and must schedule a short flight to San Pedro, Ambergris Caye.

Friday, April 11, 2008

LISSA’S: A Company In Need Of Change

Wal-Mart's dirty laundry is getting more global exposure today just a week after the Debbie Shank story. It has not been a good month for Wal-Mart public relations. To use a sports term, these are turnovers, and they expose the weaknesses of Wal-Mart's high priced image.

Undeniably, over the past three years Wal-Mart has gotten better at hiding the truth from us and from the media usually by obfuscating rather than clarifying the real issues. Their so-called health care reform is just one example. And thanks to the millions they are spending on Edelman Public Relations, they have received some good coverage in the media.

Occasionally though, they fumble the ball and we get to see clearly what is behind the façade. The video of Wal-Mart managers dressed in drag aired on NBC Nightly News last night (April 9, 2008) is a great example.

From Dukes v. Wal-Mart, the largest class-action employment discrimination case in American history, we know that at Wal-Mart, women make up only 37% of Assistant Managers, 21% of Co-Managers, and 15% of Store Managers. In 2001, those women who did become salaried Wal-Mart managers earned about $14,500 less than men per year. So it is no surprise that a gathering of Wal-Mart managers would be rife with sexist undertones.

Wal-Mart might suggest that the performances featured in the footage from this 1995 meeting intended to be funny, but either they value women or they do not and discriminating against women is no joking matter.

Debbie Shank is another good example of why public relations is not enough to fix Wal-Mart's fundamental problems. Every day Wal-Mart refuses to put enough money forward to adequately fund their employees health care, and associates pay the price. Obviously Debbie Shank is a particularly tragic story but if you talk to Wal-Mart employees, as we do every day, you realize that there are many sad stories of people who have not received the medical care they need because the plan that they can afford from Wal-Mart provides minimalist coverage and the better plans are just too expensive.

Wal-Mart change to its business practices is in the best interest of its employees, its customers, its bottom line and our country. Wal-Mart has pushed back suggesting that our critiques are at best unnecessary and at worst unfair. The videos and the Debbie Shank story have exposed that the leadership of Wal-Mart allows and even encourages a corporate culture of negligence and discrimination. It is not in anyone's best interests for such a culture to continue. Wal-Mart needs to change.

source: The Huffington Post

LISSA’S: Are you Texomite?

How to Identify Yourself as 'White Trash'

Most experts will identify the term "white trash" as a derogatory appelation. Like most such terminology, it is therefore only okay when one happens to be white trash as well. Thus, recognizing oneself as white trash is the first step toward safely utilizing the term when describing others.

1: Am I White Trash? The list below is indicative of the typical characteristics of white trash. The more you personally answer "yes" to, the more likely it is you qualify.

-- Are you caucasian? (Required)

-- Do you follow NASCAR? How about monster truck rallies?

-- When the World Wrestling Federation changed their name to World Wrestling Entertainment, did you have to get a tattoo altered?

-- Just in general, do you have more than three tattoos?

-- Does your home have wheels under it?

-- Do you only dance when the steps are either prearranged (i.e., the Chicken Dance, the Electric Slide) or are shouted out to you in advance? (i.e., square dancing.)

-- Do you enjoy hunting? If yes, do you feel that fully automatic weaponry is absolutely required when planning an assault on deer?

-- Stand at the edge of your property and turn around slowly. While turning, did you at any point see a cornfield?

-- When you pronounce the word "nuclear" does an extra "U" end up in between the "C" and the "L"?

-- When attending football games, do you apply paint to any part of your body?

-- Do you regard anything not recorded in Nashville with extreme disdain?

-- Did you just have to look up the word 'disdain'?

-- Does improving the reception on your television set involve tin foil?

-- Did you not feel any need to attend college because you figured you learned plenty in high school?

-- Is 'evolution' a swear word in your home?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

LISSA’S: Wal-Mart Exposed: Videos You Were Never Meant To See

Wal-Mart Exposed: Videos You Were Never Meant To See

Videos From Inside Wal-Mart’s Corporate Meetings Are For Sale To Willing Buyers

From the tough anti-union talk to the wilder side of men in drag, videos of Wal-Mart corporate meetings are being sold to willing buyers, and the corporate behemoth is not happy about it.

The videos, thousands of them spanning three decades, are in the library of a production company in Lenexa, Kan. Flagler Productions Inc. was hired on a handshake deal by Wal-Mart in the 1970s to produce and film corporate sales meetings and other company events.

After receiving a verbal commitment that Flagler would be used for meetings in the future, Wal-Mart abruptly ended its deal with Flagler in 2006 causing the company to lay off most of their employees, according to Flagler. Representatives from Wal-Mart tried to buy the library in 2007, but Flagler and Wal-Mart could not agree on a price so the sale never happened.

Now, Flagler is offering the tapes to anyone else who might be interested, including the media and plaintiffs’ attorneys.

Wal-Mart is currently defending itself in a lawsuit that claims widespread sex discrimination regarding issues of salary and promotional opportunities on behalf of at least 1.6 million female employees.

The attorney representing the female employees, Joe Sellers, says that some videos show the company acknowledged there was a lack of women in management back in the late 1980s.

"There’s no question these videos capture in a fairly candid way the sentiment of top executives many years ago," Sellers said. "This is not new, and it is not something that top management was unaware of."

Indeed, in one video obtained by, Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton addresses the issue at a shareholders meeting in 1987. "We know we haven’t gotten as far as we’d like to be advancing women in our company. But we’re very conscious of it," he says. [Watch video.]

Wal-Mart released this statement to today. "Needless to say, we did not pay Flagler Productions to tape internal meetings with this aftermarket in mind. It’s definitely an unusual business model on their end, and we can’t imagine too many other clients will be eager to pay for this service."

Wal-Mart has also stated previously that it is confident it did not discriminate against female employees.

Wal-Mart in Drag
(ABC News)
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Aside from the serious allegations of discrimination, the videos also show a glimpse of corporate shenanigans, including one meeting at which male employees dressed in ladies lingerie and sang a song, "Walkin’ Round in Women’s Underwear" to the tune of "Walking in a Winter Wonderland." [Watch video.]

Wal-Mart said the act was just for fun. "Over the years these internal meetings included a wide range of messages and activity -- some practical, some inspirational and some just plain silly. Clearly this video falls in the silly category, but having fun is just part of running a business," said a company spokesperson.

In January, reported on videos dating back to when Hillary Clinton was on the board of directors at Wal-Mart. In her six years on the board, Clinton remained silent as the world’s largest retailer waged a major campaign against labor unions seeking to represent store workers.

Wal-Mart’s anti-union efforts were headed by one of Clinton’s fellow board members, John Tate, a Wal-Mart executive vice president who also served on the board with Clinton for four of her six years.

Tate was fond of repeating, as he did at a managers’ meeting in 2004 after his retirement, what he said was his favorite phrase, "Labor unions are nothing but bloodsucking parasites living off the productive labor of people who work for a living." [Watch video.]

Wal-Mart says Tate’s comments "were his own and do not reflect Wal-Mart’s views."

The Clinton campaign has since stated, "As president, she will fight alongside labor to promote the economic growth of America’s middle class," and that Clinton strongly believes that Wal-Mart employees should be allowed to unionize.

source: ABC News

Friday, April 4, 2008

LISSA’S: YAY!! Good for her!!

— A Clemson woman is facing charges of going "postal" at Wal-Mart in Anderson, causing $2,800 in damage when store managers terminated her from her job in the store’s delicatessen.

Shanay Buie allegedly became upset about 3:30 p.m. Friday at 3812 Liberty Hwy.

"She returned to the deli and threw 2 chickens at 2 customers," according to the incident report. "At that time, she also threw on the ground 2 printers worth about $1,000 each. She also threw to the ground 2 sets of dishes worth about $400 a set."

An arrest has not been made, according to records at the Anderson City Jail.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

LISSA’S: Score one for the good guys!! Wal-Mart Publicly Shamed Into Letting Shank Keep Money

Wal-Mart Drops Claim

Wal-Mart Stores is dropping a controversial effort to collect more than $400,000 in health-care reimbursement from a former employee who has been in a Missouri nursing home since she suffered brain damage in a traffic accident.

The retailer said in a letter to the family of Deborah Shank it will not seek to collect money the Shanks won in a lawsuit against a trucking company for the accident. Wal-Mart has been roundly criticized for its claim.

Pat Curran, executive vice president for human resources at Wal-Mart Stores U.S., wrote that Shank’s extraordinary situation had made the company reexamine its stance.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Terror Strikes New Orleans Again!


The Top April Fool’s Jokes

The Top April Fool’s Jokes

* Fill the sugar bowl with salt...
Yummy...sure makes those wheaties/coffee taste good ! Not very
original, but highly effective! You can also use baking soda, will make hot coffee foam and bubble up!

* Switch the "MEN" and "WOMEN" signs on a pair of public
bathrooms while they’re occupied.

* Take tape the color of someone’s kitchen sprayer and tape the
trigger and aim it toward the front of the sink, where a person normally stands. The next person using the water will get soaked!

* Put some magnetic strips from those anti-theft devices in your
victim’s coat pocket before they leave a store.

* Put cherry Kool-aid mix in the shower head. What a surprise
first thing in the morning!

* For men - Take about 10 large safety pins; when your wife is
sound asleep attach her nightgown to the sheets with the safety pins. Lay back and wait for her to "turn over" .

* For women - Hide the the remote control. Watch your husband go nuts trying to find it. Or just take out the batteries. He will sit there for a long time trying to figure out what’s wrong with it.

* At the workplace- Grab a bottle of lotion that everybody uses and empty it out, then put in some of that cheap instant tanning lotion. Then in a few hours, people will walking around with orange hands, arms and maybe even faces.

* Submit your friend’s name to the newspaper’s obituary column.

* Discreetly take your friend’s car keys (you will have to sneak them back) and move their car down the block in the middle of the night or during lunch hour.

* Superglue a couple quarters to the ground on a busy sidewalk or
parking lot. Watch as people continue to try and pick them up.

* Butter all the doorknobs and toilet seats! Then stand back and
watch the fun!

LISSA’S: Men Get Older Too!


Richard Gere


Roger Moore


Arnold Schwarzenegger


Pierce Brosnan


Clint Eastwood


Rod Stewart

