once again youre proving how stupid you are.
These are the words that a "friend" wrote me. The same one Bill's story is about. It made me curious about why she was mad at me, and after a few words, I get into some interesting facts. Now that I am not so pissed off, it is actually funny to read.
i got pissed off from all the lies in your stupid blog.
In a previous letter, it was this:
half your "anti-walmart" bullshit is just that- shit. no one comments your blog because no one really cares, and half the stuff you write is stupid and a gaint lie. which btw, you can be sued for slander.
First of all, I am flattered that she kept coming back to my page, and forced herself to read the words that I posted. I can only imagine how traumatic it was for her to keep coming back when every word pissed her off so bad. The one question that comes to mind, is her home life similar to "A Clockwork Orange"? For some reason I have visions of her arriving at home, being strapped to a chair, her eyelids peeled back, and she was forced to read the things she didn't want to read. All I know is that I didn't make her come to my page and read my blog. I didn't take control of her computer and direct her here.
Secondly, if she thinks it was all bullshit, why even bother? Why even get mad? I am not trying to convert. I am only trying to educate. When something appears in the news everyday, it is easy to overlook it when it is surrounded by hundreds of stories. I pull out the news on one subject and post it. If you don't agree, fine. If you want to hide your head, it is your choice. So, why get mad at me? I hope her kids turn out like angels, because if not, I am sure she will sue the video game industry saying "Raymond's Raving Rabbids" destroyed her homelife.
I think this is funny. All my information comes from the news, everything is documented. There are even times that I have provided links back to County websites giving the information. So, I guess I have been wrong all this time. The Grayson County Sherriff's office posts lies on their website. And I am the one who can be sued for slander? Why don't they sue the Sherriff's office? I am sure they could get a bigger settlement from the city and county than one ex-Wal-Mart associate. And all this time I thought Wall Street Journal and the evening news was truthful. Nope, I just found out that if it didn't exist in the Harry Potter stories then it was all lies. I gave my references. I can't help it if the people who are supposed to "tell the truth" like NBC, CBS, and ABC officials are just putting out propoganda. I guess lies are just a matter of perspective. To some people lies are truth, and to some, they can't figure out when they are lying themselves.
I mean just looking at her first letter:
i only apologized to bill so that things would be so heated at work. but since i got the "fuck off" response, i take it back.
The "fuck off" response was his blog that she was again forced to read. And just a little bit later, she replied back:
and the shit at work (which has nothing to do with you) is not personal.... so no anger was taking out on bill.
If there was no anger taken out on Bill, why did she apologize in the first place? Oh, I forgot, truth only exists as you make it up.
i know enough about keeping personal stuff personal, so my feelings about your family wont interfere working with bill.
It's good to know that this person can keep personal stuff personal, but didn't she just say it wasn't personal? Okay, I am confused.
And speaking of writing the truth as it flows from the mind. Here is another lovely statement:
you teling me i cant use my open door policy? ill be damned if you try to do that.
I checked back on my blog, and please I beg everyone to do the same, just in case I overlooked something. I mentioned the Open Door Policy at Wal-Mart three times:
First and Second time was in the blog LISSA'S: Wal-Mart: Home of Favoritism and Popularity, dated on November 28, 2007. In those two statements, I said, "I was told that there was no Open Door Policy. The Open Door Policy that Wal-Mart is so willing to throw into their associates faces is only there when they can use the information against someone. It is not there when an associate needs it." This was my personal experience with the Open Door Policy. This was an actual event that happened to me, and this was my opinion on how the management uses Open Door Policy. I never once said anyone could not use the Open Door Policy.
Maybe it was in the third time I tried to take away their rights. It was in LISSA'S: Attention Wal Mart Associates: Do YOU get YOUR breaks? dated December 7, 2007. I said, "So you Communist pricks up in home office have NO idea what's REALLY going on at store level. Your so-called Grass Roots meetings and your Open Door Policy is a crock." This was my response to an article in St. Paul Pioneer Press (Minnesota), 10/30/07. I took their article and put what happened to me with it showing that it was a commonplace in Wal-Mart. The message actual means that the corporate level should actually be more aware of the happenings at the store level. Again, nope, this was not directed at one person in Texoma, trying to take away something from her.
I guess it was another one of those subliminal "A Clockwork Orange" moments again. But this time they used Fall Out Boy instead of Beethoven.
oh, and you can be banned from myspace (and if that happens your lazy ass wont know what to do, will you?), bill can be fired, you can be sued.
I am thinking about making a poll. Is it true that I am the only one on MySpace who has an opinion? Am I the only one of the millions on here that still has free will? I read the Terms & Conditions of MySpace. I haven't broken any of them. And even on MySpace, it is still a free country. As shocking as it sounds. I wonder if she read the Terms & Conditions? Or could it be making them up as she goes? And as far as Bill getting fired. These are my words. That is why LISSA is at the beginning of the blog. When Bill talks, you see BILL at the front. So, is what is being said here that Wal-Mart can fire someone over something someone else says? If that is true, watch out, President Bush is going to say something soon, no telling what the fallout could be. Or is this a threat, that this person is going to try to get Bill fired?
first of all:
ive never liked you. it was strictly to make working near you less hard.
i want nothing to do with you. dont message, me, dont talk to me. dont ever mention me -by name or otherwise- in your blog. when your ship blows up and sinks, i want no connection.
It kinda sounds like a threat now. That's why I am making sure her words are here.
so leave me alone.
there are so many things i want to say you, but ive narrowed it done to two (2) words:
fuck off!
Eloquently said, back at 'cha sweetie. But I don't understand. Who's the stupid one? Who's the one with the closed mind? This is a prime example of Texoma and Texomites at it's finest.
you dont know nothing about me, you that shit about "figuring me out?" im not even from around here bitch.
Just goes to show, some are born here, some are transplanted. But ignorance rubs off and you become a true Texomite.